In mid-1400s Scotland, the magical beings known as Slig Maith have had enough. Due to human waste and destruction, a war now brews. Bernie tries to save her mother from a witch’s death but fails. Now full of pain and fear, she makes a bargain with the Queen of the Slig Maith.
In exchange for magical abilities, Bernie will help the Queen win her war, but she does not understand the full ramifications of her actions. She can only think of avenging her mother’s death. Once the decision is made, Bernie’s education begins. She is taught magic and martial arts by a Taoist immortal while a house elf teaches her reading, writing, and all the manners of a high-class lady.
Over time, Bernie becomes more Sligh Maith than human. Despite doubts about her newly acquired skills, she is forced to seek revenge before she is ready. She now owes the Queen everything, even though she longs for a normal life with a husband and family. Bernie has no choice; she must follow through with her bargain and become a mercenary for the Queen or face dire consequences.
I wasn’t becoming the ground; I was being absorbed into it. Strangely, I was not afraid. My limbs would not move. My mouth could form no words. I tried to make a simple sound, but no air would release from my throat. I seemed to be breathing, but I could not move. I was in a dream. I became the soft green moss. I thought to reach out for Ciaran with my mind, but I could not raise the ambition to do it. What is wrong with me?
I gently sunk, closing my eyes and ears into sleep or something similar. I was aware of myself as moss, with its small inhabitants and its wee movements, seeking nourishment and growth. I had not a care. No desire, no issue to concern me. No memory of my comrades or my purpose.
Until, with a thud, I landed on a hardened floor. I lay there like a fawn hiding in the grass. I felt my distinct self again, but my eyes were blind or covered. All was the deepest black. The dark was so thick, nothing penetrated it. I had no sense of a beginning or an end.